

These examples assume that you have already installed pumpkin-supmcu with pip3 install pumpkin-supmcu on python 3.6 or above.


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Retrieving Telemetry Data

This example will walk through initializing a I2CMaster and using it to get the current values of all the telemetry of each module connected to the I2C bus.

from pumpkin_supmcu.i2c import I2CDriverMaster, I2CLinuxMaster
from pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu import request_module_definition, get_values


i2c_master = I2CDriverMaster(PORT)

This code imports everything that is needed from pumpkin-supmcu and initializes an I2C master. PORT’s value depends on what kind of I2C master is being initialized. For the I2CDriverMaster, PORT is what serial port the I2CDriver is, and can be a COM port on windows or a /dev/ttyUSB* filename on linux. For the I2CLinuxMaster, PORT is the number of the linux /dev/i2c-* interface. For instance, if the module was connected to /dev/i2c-2 then PORT should be set to 2. Different I2C masters can be used interchangeably, after their initialization.

addresses = i2c_master.get_bus_devices()

module_definitions = []
for address in addresses:
    module_definitions.append((address, request_module_definition(i2c_master, address)))

This block gets the addresses of all active devices on the I2C bus, and then uses request_module_definition to save a SupMCUModuleDefinition for each device.

for addr, mod_def in module_definitions:
    for idx, telem in mod_def.supmcu_telemetry.items():
        if telem.simulatable:
            items = get_values(i2c_master, addr, mod_def.cmd_name, idx, telem.format)
            for item in items:
                print(item.string_value, end=' ')
            print("Not simulatable, might be a garbage value")

This code iterates through each telemetry object in each module definition and uses get_values to print its values if it’s simulatable. When the telemetry isn’t simulatable, get_values will return garbage data on QSMs or STMs.