supmcu module API docs

The pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu module contains the parsing, communication interface and module telemetry enumeration definitions.

Data Types

These data types are used throughout the pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu to type and structure the module definitions.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.DataType(value)

Different possible data types that can be returned from SupMCU Telemetry

Char = 2

A single char character

Double = 12

A double item.

Float = 11

A float item.

Hex16 = 14

A uint16_t item, displayed as a hexadecimal value.

Hex8 = 13

A uint8_t item, displayed as a hexadecimal value.

INT16 = 6

A int16_t item.

INT32 = 8

A int32_t item.

INT64 = 10

A int64_t item.

INT8 = 4

A int8_t item.

Str = 1

A null-terminated string

UINT16 = 5

A uint16_t item.

UINT32 = 7

A uint32_t item.

UINT64 = 9

A uint64_t item.

UINT8 = 3

A uint8_t item.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.TelemetryType(value)

Represents a module request for the SUP:TEL? items or MOD:TEL? items.

Module = 1

Module telemetry items (e.g. BM:TEL? #)

SupMCU = 0

SupMCU telemetry item (e.g. SUP:TEL? #)

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.TelemetryDataItem(data_type, value, string_value)

A single data item from a telemetry request.


The pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.DataType stored in the TelemetryDataItem.


The value parsed from the telemetry response.


The value formatted as a string.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.SupMCUHDR(ready, timestamp)

The SupMCU Telemetry header with timestamp and is_ready information.


Value of the ready flag in the SupMCU telemetry.


The value of the timestamp in the SupMCU telemetry response.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.SupMCUTelemetry(header, items)

A SupMCU Telemetry request response. Consists of zero or more TelemetryDataItems.


The pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.SupMCUHDR object for the telemetry response.


The list of pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.TelemetryDataItems that make up the telemetry response.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.SupMCUTelemetryDefinition(name, telemetry_length, idx, format, simulatable=False, defaults=None)

A SupMCU Telemetry definition consists of the name, length and format of the returned data.


The format string returned from SUP/MOD:TEL? #,FORMAT request.


The index number of the telemetry item


The name of the telemetry item as returned from SUP/MOD:TEL? #,NAME request.


The length in bytes of the telemetry response from the SupMCU module.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.SupMCUModuleDefinition(name, cmd_name, address, supmcu_telemetry, module_telemetry, commands=<factory>)

A SupMCU Module definition consists of the name, address, cmd_name, SupMCU Telemetry, module telemetry, and SupMCU commands and module commands.


The I2C address of the module.


The name of the module as used in SCPI commands (e.g. Battery Module 2 is BM2).


The module telemetry definitions for all the module specific telemetry. This is a dictionary keyed by telemetry index to telemetry definition.


The name of the SupMCU module.


The SupMCU telemetry definitions that are common across all SupMCU modules. This is a dictionary keyed by telemetry index to telemetry definition.


Returns the size in bytes of a SupMCU Data type. Note the Str type returns 0 as it’s size is unknown until parsed.


t (DataType) – The DataType t.

Return type



The size of the type in bytes, unless Str, then its zero.


Returns the underlying SupMCU Data type for a given fmt_char.


fmt_char (str) – The format character.

Return type



The DataType for the format character.


KeyError – If no corresponding DataType is found for the format character.


Converts data_type to the corresponding SupMCU format character.


data_type (DataType) – The DataType to get the corresponding format character for.

Return type



The format character as used in SUP/MOD:TEL? #,FORMAT commands.


KeyError – If no corresponding SupMCU format character is found for the data_type.

Telemetry Parsing

The telemetry parsing system for the pumpkin_supmcu package uses a set of DataItemParser to parse the various different data formats returned from the SupMCU modules. These are used by the pumpkin_supmcu.parse_telemetry() method in conjunction with the pumpkin_supmcu.SupMCUTelemetryDefinition in order to parse any set of telemetry from the SupMCU modules.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.DataItemParser

Parses a series of bytes for a given SupMCU fmt_specifier returning the corresponding python type.

abstract parse(b)

Parses the byte array for a DataItem and returns the left-over bytes after parsing the data item.


b (bytes) – The input bytes to parse the data item from

Return type

Tuple[TelemetryDataItem, bytes]


A tuple of the data item parsed and remaining bytes

pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.Parsers Contains a mapping of SupMCU format character to appropriate parser for the format specifier.
pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.parse_telemetry(b, supmcu_telemetry_def)

Parses the bytes b as SupMCU telemetry using the given supmcu_telemetry_def format string or definition.

Return type



A SupMCU parsed telemetry item.


Parses the SupMCU Telemetry header from the bytes and returns the SupMCUHDR object and the left-over bytes.


b (bytes) – The bytes to parse the SupMCU header from.

Return type

Tuple[SupMCUHDR, bytes]


A tuple of the SupMCUHDR object and the left-over bytes.

SupMCU Discovery

The discovery modules allow for automated discovery of all SupMCU and module telemetry definitions for a given I2C address. The list of telemetry items can be serialized after the fact and loaded again at a later time to avoid the lengthy discovery process.

pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.request_module_definition(i2c_master, address, module_cmd_name=None, module_name=None, response_delay=None)

Requests all of the telemetry definitions from the module at I2C Address address, using module_cmd_name when requesting module telemetry definitions.

  • i2c_master (Union[I2CMaster, SupMCUMaster]) – The I2C master to write/read the requests from.

  • address (int) – The address of the module on the I2C bus.

  • module_cmd_name (Optional[str]) – Optional, short name of the module as used in telemetry requests (e.g. BM for Battery Module).

  • module_name (Optional[str]) – Optional name to give module, if None, then is set to module_cmd_name

  • response_delay (Optional[float]) – The delay in seconds to wait between I2C read and I2C write.

Return type



The module definition for the device at I2C Address address

pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.request_telemetry_definition(i2c_master, address, module_cmd_name, idx, response_delay=None, is_simulatable_mod=False)

Requests the formatting, name and length information from the device at I2C address address, using the module short name module_cmd_name (e.g. BM for Battery Module), concatenating that with idx in a telemetry request s.t. cmd_to_send is <module_cmd_name>:TEL? <idx>,NAME/FORMAT/LENGTH

  • i2c_master (Union[I2CMaster, SupMCUMaster]) – The I2CMaster device to use.

  • address (int) – The address of the device to request information from.

  • module_cmd_name (str) – The module name used in the context of SCPI commands (e.g. DCPS for Desktop CubeSat Power Supply).

  • idx (int) – The telemetry index to grab the information for.

  • response_delay (Optional[float]) – The amount of time in seconds to wait between I2C Write and read. Can be None, or set from SupMCUMaster passed in as i2c_master.

  • is_simulatable_mod (bool) – Whether or not the module is simulatable.

Return type



The SupMCUTelemetryDefinition that represents the Telemetry data.

pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.get_values(i2c_master, address, module_cmd_name, idx, fmt, response_delay=None)

Retrieves the current values of the telemetry object that is indicated by the provided index

  • i2c_master (I2CMaster) – The I2CMaster device to use.

  • address (int) – The address of the device to request information from.

  • module_cmd_name (str) – The module name used in the context of SCPI commands (e.g. DCPS for Desktop CubeSat Power Supply).

  • idx (int) – The telemetry index to grab the information for.

  • response_delay (Optional[float]) – The amount of time in seconds to wait between I2C Write and read. Can be None, or set from SupMCUMaster passed in as i2c_master.

Return type



A list of TelemetryDataItem

SupMCU interface

The SupMCU interface is the responsibility of the SupMCUMaster class. This provides the interface to request telemetry and write commands that are registered with the SupMCUMaster. Note that the telemetry definitions need to be discovered via the request_telemetry_definition() for single telemetry items or request_module_definition() for whole modules.

class pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.SupMCUMaster(i2c_master, supmcu_modules=None, request_delay=0.1)

An interface into communicating to SupMCU modules via I2CMaster object.


i2c_master – The underling I2CMaster device used to communicate with the I2C bus.

property request_delay: float

The amount of delay in seconds that is made between a telemetry write and read request.

Return type



The amount in fractional seconds between the TEL? write and read I2C transactions.

request_telemetry(module, tel_type, idx)

Requests the telemetry of tel_type at index idx from the module. module can be a I2C address, command name or the name of a module contained in supmcu_modules.

This will write the I2C request to the I2C Master, then wait self.request_delay seconds before reading the telemetry back from the I2C Master.

  • module (Union[int, str]) – The I2C address/command_name or name of the module to request telemetry from.

  • tel_type (TelemetryType) – The type of telemetry being requested.

  • idx (int) – The telemetry index being requested.

Return type



The backing SupMCUTelemetry object from the telemetry request.

send_command(module, cmd)

Sends the SCPI command cmd to the module given. The module must be in the list of the registered modules supmcu_modules.

  • module (Union[int, str]) – The I2C, cmd_name or name of the module to send the command to.

  • cmd (str) – The command to send to the module.

property supmcu_modules: Iterable[pumpkin_supmcu.supmcu.types.SupMCUModuleDefinition]

Returns the list of SupMCUModuleDefinitions known by the SupMCUMaster.

Return type
